This 10 week journey is aimed at helping you uncover your own intuitive and psychic gifts. WE ARE ALL PSYCHIC but we often doubt those subtle feelings only to regret it later. Interested in developing your own 6th Sense and shown how to incorporate into your life. This is a hands on course – no notes are provided. You will be presented a notebook in which to record your readings ect.
Topics covered in this course: –
– Protection/Meditation and Guides
– Psychometry, Nature readings, Photo readings
– Automatic and inspirational writing – a form of channelling
– Mediumship – how to connect to the “other side”
– Energy and Aura readings
– Paranormal investigation
– Symbolic readings – how to interpret symbo…ls
– A weekly exercise (intuit the outcome of a cuurent affairs issue)
This course is suitable for beginners or advanced (you may just want to fine tune your skills). Meet and connect with other likeminded people and learn how to interpret the subtle signals we often receive on a regular basis. Gain the confidence to trust the messages and learn how to deliver these messages with love and respect.
Run By – Deb Bull (20 years experience)
When – Starts – Thursday 11th October at 7pm till 9pm.
Cost – $35 per week (pay as you go) eftpos available
Bookings are essential